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DIY: Quote Canvas

September 10, 2012

Our new house completely lacks any sort of decoration and after being separated from my crafts for so long, I was jonesin for a good project. After a few visits to pinterest I knew what to do.

I made a make shift canvas out of a box (we have so many!) and brown craft paper. I cut some of the flaps off the box to make it the size that I wanted and wrapped the paper around the front. The back is mostly still the cardboard box. I folded the paper around the edges, folded the corners and taped the paper to the box.

Then the fun began. I put on Oklahoma ( crafting is way better while watching a musical!) and got out my set of acrylic paint and brushes and started to paint. I didnt have an exact plan when I started but I knew I wanted something fairly simple and to add a quote.

Using my foam brush, paint and water, I stared adding streaks of color. It didnt matter when the color faded or changed, giving it a cool water color effect. I left some parts darker and other parts very faint.

Here it is in progress. You can see all the wet paper ripple marks and wet splotches. I was worried that the paper would not dry flat but I kept going. I figured if it didnt I could try to iron it with a towel in between OR start over. I had more paper, no biggie.

Notice I used a flap from the box as a paint palette. Easy Peasy clean up and sort of recycling.

Luckily for me the paint and paper dried smooth!






For the quote, I mapped out the words in pencil and wrote over it with a Sharpie. I wish I would have paid a bit more attention to the centering of the words, and keeping my lines a bit straighter, BUT… I really like how it turned out. Its not perfect, not very complex, but its sweet and fits beautifully in our new home.

To hang on the wall, I took a piece of twine and hot glued the ends to the sides of the board. Our walls already had to screws in it at just the right places so I hung the string over the screws and there it is.

I would include a picture of it placed in the bedroom, but the whole room is still a work in progress, so maybe some other time.

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